Filmmaker. Director.

Hope Source


Thank you for considering AWF for your videography needs.

First off, I'd like to thank you for choosing me to bring your video vision to life. I'm so excited to collaborate with you to create a video showcasing what HopeSource does with with their new case management system and the case study videos that will follow. Based on our conversations, I’ve put together a proposal with an introduction to the content we will capture, the visual and audio style, and the finished videos I will deliver.

I’ve also included information about our process and the next steps. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. 

Let’s Create

Case Management System

Here we go! Below you will find a brief walk through of what we will create. As we continue through the process, we will work to nail down the feeling, the look and the story on a deeper level.

Content and Story

The goal of this video is to showcase the new service model that HopeSource is providing. My vision is to show this by following around three different subjects as they go through new model and recieve care. Underneath the video is a voice over giving context and finer detail points to the model.

The video will start off with showing subjects before they go to hopesource. This is to establish some need they have, whether it’s food, shelther, or something we determin later. The subject then recieves some kind of out reach that HopeSource is the place to go to recieve help. From here we show the process of them entering and meeting with the Care Navigator. Here we explain what the process is through voice over, showing how the care navigator interacts with the different subjects. From there, we show the different subjects recieving the care that they need. We continue to show how the subjects lives have gotten better. We also show how the subjects interacting with the care navigator again in their home, on the phone, and in the office. We also show the subjects recieving multiple different points of services that they need. The video wraps up with a few shots of the subjects in a changed state, whether that be in a home, food on the table or being able to get around town.

Possible subjects to cover: A small family, a single mother, a senior. Or who your common clients are

Visuals and Audio

Overall my vision is to ground the video in stylized, dramatic, but in the end hopeful look and feel. At the beginning, the subjects are surrounded by shadow, as we progress through the video, it lightens as their circumstance changes. The videos of the subject at first will be unsteady to reflect their circumstance but as we progress more and more stable and fluid. I also see momentum increasing later on the video further showcase the improvement in their lives.

Below are some reference images that I am using for reference.  

For the Audio I hear a cinematic score with a driving rhythm that ebbs and flows along with the different moments in the video. Interspersed the videos will be some sound effects that will highlight some visual elements.  

Follow this link to check out some tracks that I’m considering for this project: 

Case Management System - case study

Content and Story

The goal of these videos is to showcase success stories from the new service model. The videos will begin with the subject’s life before they went to hopesource. The video will hit on several different key moment along the way. These include: how they heard about HopeSource, the initial interaction with the care navigator, the services they recieved, the wrap around care recieved, the role the care navigator had in their sucess story, and finally where they are now in the process.

Visuals and Audio

Like the system video, the video will begin somber and dark but as they go through the process the style begins to shift to more opomistic in overall tone. The majority of the video will be broll of the subject going through process we will pay particular attention to the before, the relationship they had with the care navigator, the services they recieved and finally where they are now. Underneath the broll will be an interview with the client in their own space.

Below are some reference images that I am using for reference.  

The music will be similar to that of the System video to create a unified feel in all the videos.

Reference Songs:



I can’t wait to bring these ideas to life. Your video will be incredible, and our team is excited to be a part of it. Please let us know if you have questions or want to adjust any of the items above.  


The Process


Outlined below are the stages of the video making process from ideation to posting the videos. All of these steps are included in the price of the package.


Phase I: Development

In the beginning.... We take the ideas that we discussed in our meeting and develop those ideas into the story that we are telling, the visuals we capture, and the feelings we want to communicate. The final portion of this step is establishing the schedule for the project.

Phase II: Pre-Production

This is where we turn those ideas into scripts, shots lists and storyboards. We also scout locations, put together the wardrobe and assemble any props we need. This stage is all about prepping so that we can be creative during production.

Phase III: Production

This is the fun part, we get all the lights, cameras, and people involved and we capture breathtaking content. My philosophy is capturing as much as possible on set, so that we can set ourselves up best for post production.  

Phase IV: Post-Production

After we're done production we start editing together the footage and audio. About a week or two after production, I'll send you a rough copy of the video that you can give me notes on. Once we agree on the edit, I'll go through and color correct and sweeten the audio.

Phase V: Distribution

Your videos are done and ready to be posted! Woohoo! Here we strategize how to distribute your videos to all your platforms so that it accomplishes your goals.  

Your Quote


Based on our conversation, you will find the price as well as the deliverables included in your package. In the section below, we’ve outlined each piece included in your package and optional add-ons that are available if desired.

Hopesource Case Management System

  • 4 montage videos for social

  • 20 stills

  • 1 - 5-7 minute long video

    Price: $6,000

    $2,000 due at signing; $4,000 at the delivery of content

Hopesource Case Management System - Case study vIDEOS

Package below is on Per Case Study Basis

  • 20 edited color corrected clips

  • 10 stills

  • 1 - 3-5 minute long video

    Price: $2,000 per Case Study

    $1,000 due at shoot; $1,000 at the delivery of content

next steps

I'm so excited to bring your vision to life. I’ll send you a contract once we have ironed out the final details.

Once your contract is signed, I’ll start dreaming and designing every detail.  I’ll periodically check in with updates and prep you for each next step, so you know what we’re working on and what we need from you.  As we get closer to production I will setup meetings to finalize details and fill you in with details.

If you have questions or need to reach out, we ask that all communication takes place via email, so we have a record of our conversations in case we need to revisit them.  But any other questions or concerns that come up can be addressed via email.

Thank you for choosing me for your video needs.